Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I am Slacking.

1)      I have not been blogging like I had planned too. I want to get this blog set up better and to post more. Will start working on that today.

2)      I know that if I listen to those lazy thoughts once, I know I will listen again. This morning when my alarm went off at 4:17am I hit the off button, knowing that I had a second alarm that goes off at 5:30 am. Well, when the 5:30 am alarm went off, I noticed how tight my muscles felt. I think I must have slept in the fetal position all night, because when I stretched out everything ached. And there is where my lazy thoughts began……No running this morning for you, your muscles are to tight. And you can’t run tonight either, because it is going to be 95 degrees out. Well I am going to venture out on my first night run. I guess I should be more specific, my first run in the dark. I have a head lamp, reflective vest and a few clip on blinking lights, oh and a small flash light. I think I should be fine. I will post on how it goes.

3)      My food intake or diet what ever you want to call it, it has been less than healthy. I need to sit down and plan out some healthy meals for Don (husband) and I. Will work on that too.

1 comment:

  1. For years now, I've made a weekly dinner menu. At least Mon - Fri. I could care less about weekends, but I totally need a plan for the week because our week is CRAZY busy. I'm also a huge fan of cooking ahead to freeze whatever I can. I'm also glad fall is upon us. Crockpot weather!

    Thanks for the link to your blog. I'll add it to my sidebar list. Let's run soon! :)
