Monday, September 12, 2011

I think I found my new Monday night routine!

Well I went to the gym to attend my first Pilates class and my first Zumba class.
I started off with the Pilates class. Wow that is no easy workout!!  The instructor was great, she killed my abs. She had us to several abs workouts and  while doing planks she said that if we dropped out of position we would have to do it again. Let's just say this girl did not drop, my muscles shook like crazy. but I did not drop. LOL.
And my first Zumba class tonight I had a blast!!! Oh my, this girl can not dance, but neither could other people, but it was sooo much fun. 15 minutes into the class and I looked like I had ran through a few sprinklers. I think I have found my new Monday night workout.

1 comment:

  1. I am starting to REALLY really love my workout classes over at Marshall Center. Jennifer is my favorite instructor, and she makes us do planks. Usually a couple of them each class time. At first, I couldn't hold that pose longer than 15 seconds. Now I can go past 30! I'm aiming for 1 minute each. :)
